The Bacchelli law in favour of Giovanna Mulas

The application has been pending for final approval
by the Italian Prime Minister for months.

Also for the year 2006 the proposal of Giovanna Mulas (previously appointed ambassador for the peace in the world) as the Italian candidate for the Nobel Prize for Literature has been advanced: “Through her work and her discernment she conveys a message of solidarity, peace and love especially new to contemporary society and to culture in general.”
She is the youngest woman writer in the history of the Italian literature to boast such merit: she has authored 13 books to date, many of which have been translated into 3 languages, is a pluri-graduate honoris causa and has won 53 international prizes.
At the Rome Book Fair next December, she will introduce her latest novel, Domo del Viento—cartas de amor all’essenza di rosa (House of the Wind—rose-scented love letters), her first trilingual work, being written in Sardinian, Italian and Spanish.
Giovanna Mulas is also the editor of the literary reviews Isola Nera (Black Island, published in Italian) and Isola Niedda (published in Sardinian), distributed free worldwide to promote literature and, above all, reading.
The author, in serious financial difficulties, lives exclusively on the royalties of her books.
The request for a subsidy in favour of Giovanna Mulas, provided for by the Bacchelli Law, has long been forwarded to the Italian Government by journalists, writers, readers, publishers and others concerned in her case.
We hereby solicit the moral and concrete support of all colleagues, writers, poets, journalists, cultural promoters, publishers, editors, literature teachers and artists in general. All these represent the sensitive souls who believe that the support given to our authors means standing up for our best dreams, the fight for freedom and for human rights and the will to contribute permanently to the construction of a world for everybody.
Your backing of this initiative is therefore of the greatest importance and urgency. We would be most grateful if you could send a formal petition for the subsidy in favour of Giovanna Mulas to:
Dottor Fimanò
Segreteria della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri
Ufficio Affari Generali

In the letter you should include your full name, place and date of birth, address and occupation, and specify the following motive:
Legge Bacchelli per Giovanna Mulas
Otherwise, you can transmit your petition via e-mail to the following address:
inserting the aforementioned motive in the subject line.
Moreover, in order to help us create an accurate archive of sustainers, please send a copy of the letter/e-mail to the following address:
A heartful thanks for your cooperation!
The Editorial Staff of Isola Nera

translation by Alessio Zanelli and Ian Till

Mercoledì, 31 maggio 2006