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www.ildialogo.org FIOE condemns the atrocities committed by extremist armed groups, and deplores linking these to Islam,di Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe (FIOE)

FIOE condemns the atrocities committed by extremist armed groups, and deplores linking these to Islam

di Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe (FIOE)

In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful
The Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe condemns the atrocities committed by extremist armed groups, and deplores linking these to Islam
The Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe continues to follow the on-going developments in terms of the atrocities and violations perpetrated by extremist armed groups in Iraq, Syria and elsewhere, against the local communities, those who differ with them in political or religious persuasion, and journalists, who are terrorised and killed in barbaric fashion.
The Federation condemns in the strongest terms these appalling acts, which include horrific executions and grave breaches, in contravention to the teachings of the religion, human values, and moral principles that can neither be justified nor left unaddressed.
The Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe renews its solidarity with all those affected by these grave violations, and the measures of repression or expulsion documented in reports from the field, while expressing feelings of profound pain for these developments that paint a frightening picture of what is occurring. The Federation notes with alarm the attempts to terrorise local communities and religious minorities, and tear apart the social and historical fabric with its diverse constituents.
The Federation demands an immediate end to breaches, in all forms, of human rights in these areas, as well as all discriminatory measures and actions, and achieving security for all inhabitants and communities, in enabling those displaced to return to their areas and live in them without being targeted, discriminated against, or restricted in their freedom of worship, as well as ensuring protection for religious and historical monuments in their diversity, from destruction and vandalism, and a halt to the targeting, or harming of journalists.
The Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe strongly denounces attempts to malign Islam, and link it to these horrific images, representing the barbaric practices of extremist groups that violate the teachings of the religion of Islam, and perpetrate atrocities against Muslims and non-Muslims alike.
Muslims in Europe and worldwide are deeply distressed at the atrocities and grave violations being committed and then linked through slogans and messages falsely related to Islam or the Islamic model of governance and state, and consider that these are a grave offence against the Islamic religion, which rejects aggression, and the terrorising and harming of innocents.
The developments taking place emphasise the importance of treating those environments that incubate violence and extremism, and are a product of regimes of despotism, injustice, absence of democracy, and violation of the rights of peoples, which force the youth to the brink of despair, as has occurred and is occurring in Syria and Iraq over numerous years.
The Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe calls for a serious and wise treatment of all the common challenges that may confront European and human societies; no doubt that preserving social peace is a shared responsibility, and the Federation will exert the utmost effort in raising awareness of this matter, in cooperation with partners represented in religious bodies and civil society.
Brussels, 19 September 2014
The Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe
Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe (FIOE)
Head Office
34, rue de la Pacification
B-1210 Brussels
Skype: fioe.office 

Mercoledì 24 Settembre,2014 Ore: 17:24
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