Lettera aperta al Papa, sul Genocidio in corso in Birmania

di Associazione dhuumcatu

Risultati immagini per foto papa francesco
Le scriviamo a proposito del suo imminente viaggio in Birmania. Crediamo che la sua visita in qualsiasi luogo, ogni suo intervento, ogni suo pronunciamento, cosi come una sua stratta di mano, abbiamo un grosso valore, politico, sociale e spirituale.
Come anche Lei ha da poco ricordato, da anni i militari in Birmania stanno perpetrando massacri ai danni dei Rohingya, la minoranza islamica, per il solo loro professare la religione islamica. Negli ultimi tempi sono stati raggiunti limiti di brutalità inaudita contro i Rohingya. Bruciano vivi i bambini, gli anziani, le donne incinte, e perfino i loro animali domestici.
Di recente il leader di governo Aung San Suu Kyi ha tenuto un discorso alla nazione dal contenuto menzognero e mistificatore.  In pari tempo, la stessa, non ha partecipato al l’assemblea delle Nazioni Unite.
Il nostro timore è che la sua visita possa essere strumentalizzata, sia nella politica interna birmana, che in quella estera. A volte basta una foto con una stretta di mano. Ed una siffatta strumentalizzazione sarebbe un danno per l’umanità intera, nel momento in cui il genocidio in corso ha attirato l’attenzione del mondo intero, comprese le sue lodevoli parole a riguardo.
Per quanto suddetto, Le chiediamo di annullare la sua visita in Birmania, e di annunciare tramite Ufficio Stampa Vaticano che le motivazioni dell’annullamento risiedono nella mancanza di garanzie che il genocidio in corso possa essere fermato, anche perché da poco negato dal Premio Nobel per la Pace Aung San Suu Kyi.
Per concludere, Sua Santità, sappiamo che ha in programma una visita alla fine di questo mese a Dhaka in Bangladesh,  per l'appunto saremmo estremamente grati se lei visitasse anche i rifugiati di RUHINGAY che si trovano a CHITTAGONG al confine del Bangladesh.
Con ogni migliore augurio a Sua Santità, cordialmente.
পোপের নিকট খোলা চিঠি
বার্মায় গণহত্যা
আমরা আপনার  বার্মাতে ভ্রমন বিষয়ে কিছু অনুরোধ করছি   আমরা বিশ্বাস করি,  যেকোন স্থানে আপনার  ভ্রমন বা কাহারো সাথে কর্মদনকরা একটি বড় ধরনের , রাজনৈতিকসামাজিক সমর্থন করাএমনকি ধর্মীয় আধ্যাত্মিক  বিষয়  থাকে 
আপনি ভাল ভাবেই অবগত আছেনবছরের পর বছর ধরে বার্মায় সামরিক বাহীনি,  রোহিঙ্গা সম্প্রদায় এর বিরুদ্ধে গণহত্যার নীল নকশা করেচলছে  তাদের অপরাধকারন তারা মুসলিম  
সাম্প্রতিক সময়েরোহিঙ্গাদের বিরুদ্ধে অভূতপূর্ব নৃশংসতার সীমা লঙ্ঘন করেছে জীবিত শিশুগর্ভবতী মহিলাদের এবং এমনকি তাদের পোষাপ্রাণীগুলিও পুড়িয়ে দেওয়া হয়েছে
সম্প্রতিঅং সান সু চি'  মিথ্যা এবং রহস্যময় বিষয় বস্তু দিয়ে জাতির কাছে একটি বক্তৃতার অনুষ্ঠান করেছে   একই সময়েতিনিজাতিসংঘের সমাবেশে অংশগ্রহণ করেন নি
আমাদের ভয় হল যেআপনার সফর বার্মার  আভ্যন্তরিন  আর্ন্তজাতিক রাজনীতিতে বিশেষ প্রভাব ফেলবে  
আপনার সাথে বার্মার সরকারের একটি ছবিবা তাদের সাথে কর্ম দন করা বা  পাশে বসা এই রুপ একটি ছবিও তাদের হত্যা যঞ্জের পক্ষে প্রচারকরতে পারে 
আপনার ভ্রমন বার্মা  সরকার নিজেদের অপকর্মের  বিপক্ষে ঢাল হিসাবেও ব্যবহার করতে পারে  
উপরে বিষয় গুলি বিবেচনা করে আপনার নিকট অনুরোধ করছিবার্মা
 ভ্রমন বাতিল করেআপনার প্রেস সচীব কর্তৃক ঘোষনা দেওয়া যেবার্মাতে যেহেতু মানবাধিকার লঙ্ঘন হয়েছেতাই আপনি ভ্রমন বাতিলকরলেন ,d একই সাথে অনুরোধ  করছি, বাংলাদেশ ভিজিট সময় দয়া করে রুহীঙ্গা স্বরনারথী ক্যাম্প ভিজিট করার জন্য ।
আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ
Your Holiness
Subject: An open Letter regarding  Genocide in Burma
Honorable Pope Francis,
We immigrants are residing in Italy, honored to write this letter about your upcoming visit in BURMA. On the current situation, we believe that your visit will be effected all over the world.
As we all known that more than half million of Rohingya has sheltered in Bangladesh and  most of the rohingya’s lost their family members. As you have stated that the soldiers of Burma has been executed massacres to the Rohingya. They are slaughtering people like butcher, throwing to the alive children, eldest and pregnant women into the fire. The people who love to watch horror movie even they are not tolerate this live video. Their only fault is that, they are Muslim. We are against the killing of innocent people.
Recently, Aung San Suu Kyi's leader has speech to the nation and given a falls message that Rohingya people are leaving Burma willingly. At the same time, Aung San Suu Kyi did not attend the United Nations assembly in this serious issue.
We are scared that a wrong message will deliver all over world when you make a handshake with Aung San Suu Kyi or her officials and a photo comes in social media.  
It is our humble request to cancel your visit in Burma and to announce through the Vatican Press office that the genocide has to be stopped immediately and to accept back the Rohingya people with their properties to have a peaceful and secured life as they deserve.
To conclude, Your Holiness, we know that you are going to visit this month at Dhaka in Bangladesh, in fact we would be extremely grateful if you also visited RUHINGAY refugees who are in CHITTAGONG at the Bangladeshi border.
Sincerely yours
Rome: 27-10-2017

Domenica 12 Novembre,2017 Ore: 17:18